Bilatateralni sastanci
- Ponedeljak 14:00 - 17:00

OpisDžemara produces organic mountain fruit and vegetable spreads. Every jar is filled with carefully picked goods, cooked in small batches on traditional way, enriched with modern seasoning combinations. Our manufactory is located on the mountain Jagodnja on 550 m of altitude in hearth of pure nature surrounded by organic fields of raspberries, blackberries, and other fruits. Our passion are good food, closeness to nature and love toward our products. All that we combined, cooked and preserved in our jars and we are eagerly waiting to share it with the world!
Vrsta organizacije
GradBelgrade, Vladimira Dujića 7 Google map
Oblasti poslovanja
Distribution on new market
Zahtevana saradnja
- Prodaja i distribucija