Bilateral Meetings
- Monday 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm
DescriptionPirot Free Zone enables to their users efficient operations and significant cost savings by integrating all the benefits of investing and doing business at one place. It also provides logistics services all in one place: freight forwarding services, organization of international transport, customs clearance, warehousing, land infrastructure, professional assistance in customs brokerage. It is located at the Pan-European Corridor Xc and near Corridor VIII and IV within 25km from the Serbian-Bulgarian border. It started operations in 1998, on total area of 17ha, and now extends to the 122 ha and includes "greenfield" and "brownfield"
sites. In the regime of Free Zone Pirot operate 100 trade and 22 production companies, among which are large, small and
medium enterprises which employ about 6,000 workers. Our users have realized in 2017 a total turnover of 700 million euros.
In addition to the benefits provided by the Republic of Serbia, the law on free zones, users are exempted from local taxes and fees for the construction and operation of facilities and the possibility of greenfield and brownfield operations at the infrastructure equipped land.
Organization Type
Email zona@freezonepirot.com
CityPirot, Free Zone Pirot, Nikole Pasica str. Google map
Areas of Activities