Tatijana Brkanovic

Head of accounting and Legal d
Infoterm doo Nis

Bilateral Meetings

  • Monday 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm
DescriptionInfoterm d.o.o. Niš, u Republici Srbiji posluje od 2009. godine u okviru matične kompanije MME GmbH, čije se sedište nalazi u Bad Feilnbach-u, Nemačka. Infoterm d.o.o. Niš je outsource partner kompanije MESA Electronic GmbH, koja je renomirani proizvođač industrijske opreme u oblasti toplotne obrade metala sa značajnom pozicijom na tržištu.
Organization Type Company
Phone+381 18 250422
CityNis, Svetosavska 20 Google map
Areas of Activities

Metal Industry



        Offer & Request

        Dobavljace i kupce

        Trazimo dobavljace za specificne elektro komponete. Trazimo kupce/partnere koji posluju u toplotnoj obradi metala .

        Cooperation Offered
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation
        3. License agreement
        4. Manufacturing agreement
        5. Sales / Distribution
        Cooperation Requested
        1. Outsourcing co-operation
        2. Technical co-operation
        3. License agreement
        4. Manufacturing agreement
        5. Sales / Distribution
        6. Investment/Financing
        7. Other